The timeline of the Superfinal between Boca Juniors and River Plate

[ad_1] informs, day after day, of all that is happening around the Superfinal of Copa Libertadores between Boca Juniors and River Plate.


* Boca announced in his website and social networks where the tickets for the Superfinal are sold out.

* Ignacio Scocco still has trouble in the twin and Marcelo Gallardo decides to take care of him in the final at La Bombonera, to keep him for the last match of the Monumental.

* Daniel Angelici, Rodolfo D'Onofrio and Alejandro Domínguez, President of CONMEBOL, gave a joint press conference. Among the most important statements, the president of River lamented the absence of Gallardo and tended the climate by stating: "The right of admission belongs to the criminals", referring to the punishment applied to the DT.
In addition, D & # 39; Onofrio and Angelici regretted that not all fans could access a ticket to the final and noted that Monumental and Bombonera were not giving enough with the number of partners having both clubs .

* Esteban Andrada is trained normally, after recovering from the broken jaw and puts pressure on Agustín Rossi thinking of the return leg at Monumental.

* Pablo Pérez doubts the first final for a foot pain that prevents him from training with his teammates last week. Almendra or Gago, candidates for the post of Guillermo to replace him.

* Despite the online sale and the lack of tickets, supporters turned to La Boca to ask for irregularities in the distribution of priorities for ticket allocation. "It was predictable, with two bomboneras not enough," lamented Daniel Angelici. The president said that "there are 29,000 people available and, with over 90,000 members with opportunities to enter, many will be left out." The sale is reopened via the Internet at 19 hours.

* River driven in the afternoon at Cardales

* Guillermo Barros Schelotto unveiled Boca's concentrates for the first final.

List of #Concentrados facing River for the Copa Libertadores final #VamosBoca

– Boca Jrs. Officer ?? (@BocaJrsOficial) 8 November 2018

* Boca trains in the morning to Casa Amarilla. Barros Schelotto tested a 4-4-2 with Wanchope Ábila and Benedetto de punta.

* Guillermo Barros Schelotto said at a press conference: "We have not defined the team (…) I do not change anything regarding the costumes (. ..) The only thing I think is the two games in the final. "

* River coached with Pity Martínez at the Monumental then left for his concentration at Cardales.

TUESDAY, NOVEMBER 6 [19659008] * Pity Martinez abandoned the River practice for flu-like illness.

* Boca confirmed that he would not let River decorate his wardrobe at La Bombonera.

* Pablo Pérez, at a conference: "I will not think in the yellow (…) Nobody wins me handsome (…) We must pay attention to Pity Martinez (…) We have a harder midfielder. "

* Franco Armani, at a press conference:" We know the importance of Marcelo (Gallardo), but Matías (Vizcaya) has a lot of presence , many Iderazgo "

* AFA President Claudio Tapia gave a lecture with Angelici and D & # 39; Onofrio, in which he confirmed that the Superfinal would take place on Saturday, November 10 and 24, at 5 pm and without audience.

?️ Confirmed the schedules and dates of the matches of the final of @Libertadores 2018! 19

– (@CONMEBOL) November 5, 2018

* Boca opened the ticket sale for the first final.

* March behind the Ministry of Security: finally, yes, it will be allowed to celebrate at the obelisk.

* Invited to the program, I must say América TV Daniel Angelici and Rodolfo D'Onofrio ratified who do not want visitors to the finals of Libertadores and evoked the opportunity to play on Sunday instead of Saturday

* Under Secretary of Public Security, Juan Pablo Sbadano, said: "We will not allow to celebrate at the Obelisk"

* River Plate lost 1-0 when visiting Estudiantes for the 11th round of the Super League. Scocco had a contracture in his right calf.

* Boca Juniors beat Tiger 4-1 at La Bombonera.

* "We know what we are playing, we are going to give our lives to win the Libertadores," said Guillermo.

* After a long delay, Conmebol formalized the decision against Gallardo: Gremio's request is rejected, the Superfinal is confirmed, the River DT can not enter La Bombonera, four suspension games for the doll and a $ 50,000 fine.

THIS IS OFFICIAL! Conmebol rejected Gremio's request and confirmed that River and Boca would play the Copa Libertadores final. In addition, it was decided to suspend Marcelo Gallardo for three matches plus a fine.

– SportsCenter (@SC_ESPN) 3 November 2018

* The President of the Nation, Mauricio Macri, has issued the following Message on your Twitter account at 7:48 pm:

What we are going to experience in Argentines' lives is a historical end. It is also the opportunity to demonstrate our maturity and change, to play in peace. I asked the Minister of Security to work with the City so that visitors could go.

– Mauricio Macri (@mauriciomacri) November 2, 2018

* A little later, the Minister of Security. Martín Ocampo, from the city of Buenos Aires, confirmed in ESPN FC that there would be 4,000 spectators in each stadium.

* Marcelo Gallardo, at a press conference "After transgressing a settlement, see with emotion with a defiant attitude." It is an act from undisciplined, I'm sorry. "

* The Conmebol announced that the Chilean Roberto Tobar would be the referee of the first BOCA-RIVER! Final, although the decision has not yet been formalized due to the badertion of Gremio

* In the afternoon, Mauricio Macri explained: "We offered them the conditions for play with a visitor audience. " From there, the decision belongs to the clubs, who organize the show, and they will say what is more convenient for them. "

* The Conmebol announced that the first final would be played on Saturday, November 10 at 16 years old at the stadium of Boca and the resumption on Saturday 24. same time, without specifying on which court. [19659012] The first CONMEBOL Libertadores 2018 final will take place on Saturday 10 am to 4 pm local time at the Boca Juniors Stadium, the second final will be played on Saturday the 24th, also from the age of 16.

– (@ CONMEBOL) November 1, 2018

* Boca's president, Daniel Angelici, disagreed with the proposed dates and claimed a claim by the Jewish community for coincidence with the "Shabbos"

* The Superliga sent a note to the AFA expressing its concern over the reprogramming of the final "unilaterally." Originally, the matches were to be played on Wednesday, November 7 and 28, at 9:45 pm

* The President of the Guild, Romildo Bolzan, founded the request of his club during a press conference.


19659008] * Gremio files a complaint with Conmebol for the actions of Gallardo.

* After a 2-0 lead in the first leg, Boca Juniors drew 2-2 on a visit to Palmeiras, thanks to goals from Wanchope Ábila and Benedetto, and also entered the definition of liberators.

* The Conmebol announced the final between Boca and River with an allusive poster on their social networks, but said early in the morning that she was "subject to the disciplinary unit's decision regarding the claim of the Guild. "

(*) Subject to the decision of the disciplinary unit relating to @Gremio's claim .

– (@CONMEBOL) ] November 1, 2018

* Rive r Plate defeated Gremio 2-1 at Porto Alegre, came back 1-0 at Monumental and qualified for the Copa Libertadores final. The goals were scored by Borre and Pity Martínez, who modified a penalty taken on time at the request of the VAR.

* Despite his suspension, Marcelo Gallardo contacted a coaching staff, went to the locker room at half-time. and spoke to the post-party press: "It's unfair because they're depriving you of your freedom to work." I took the bold step of getting down to the half time because I felt the players needed it.I broke a rule, but I badume it I do not regret anything. "

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