The toxic side of "Star Wars", its racist fanatics


Beyond the lightsabers, hyperspace and the eternal struggle of good against evil, the latest episodes of "Star Wars" have also sought to break the pattern to play.

John Boyega, "Finn" in the Star Wars movie series. AFP

Box office success as "The Awakening of the Force" and " The Last Jedi" highlighted papers as of & # 39; Rey & # 39; and & # 39; Finn & # 39; – a black woman and man – fighting at the same level as the traditional white heroes. (You may be interested: "Black Panther" and "Star Wars: The Last Jedi" sweep the Saturn Awards)

But this policy of inclusion that started with the most recent trilogy – in 2015, the # Episode VII was launched – has its own dark side: vile behavior of a minority of fans who ensure in the networks that their sacred cow was stolen.

"It would be unfair and very general to say that" Star Wars "has a fanatical problem. What it has, it's a problem with white fans and fanatics, "said Kayleigh guide Donaldson . (You might be interested: Lucasfilm confirms that there will be more Star Wars movies)

This subgroup of devotees, who are related to the far right and the virtual community 'incel & # 39; – English for "involuntary celibacy" – e is upset because he feels that the movies are no longer directed against them.

And that "Star Wars" is far from an example, even in the Disney era, of gender equality and the greatest

Even in " The Last Jedi ", which can be considered the most feminine, women appear less than half the time of men, than in" The Force Awakening "have two-thirds of the dialogues. (Can you be interested: Han Solo, the first box office failure in the Star Wars saga?)

"The mere inclusion of women and non-white actors is enough to make them cry and badert that they "take control" of the franchise "Donaldson added in an essay for the specialized site SyFyWire.

"The Last Jedi" in particular was accused of ending the legacy of "Star Wars" by destroying a mythology built While Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker), Adam Driver (Kylo Ren) and Domhnall Gleeson (General Hux) have not been targeted, Daisy Ridley (King), John Boyega (Finn) and Kelly Marie Tran (Rose Tico), of Vietnamese descent , can not say the same thing. ("Star Wars": The end of the saga is it?)

The two actresses have deactivated their account on Instagram, in the case of Tran because of constant badist and racist attacks A legion of called "trolls", users who are dedicated to provoking insults in virtual communities.

Her page in the reference site of "Star Wars" Wookieepedia was attacked by these provocateurs, changing the name of the actress for "Ching Chong Wing Tong". He was also described as "stupid, autistic and retarded."

Ridley, for his part, had to seek therapy to deal with stress, while director Rian Johnson received death threats and Boyega came forward accusing him of "sacrilege" since the news came out that he would play a black "stormtrooper"

A petition calling for the elimination of "The Last Jedi" of the saga exceeded 100,000 signatures while the other that requires Johnson's excuses exceeded 10,000.

But this poisonous culture predates the "politically correct" era of Disney, which bought Lucasfilm for $ 4,000 million in 2012. (You might be interested in : Boba Fett, of "Star Wars", will have his own movie)

Jake Lloyd and Hayden Christensen, who played Anakin Skywalker as a boy and a young man, left Hollywood after a relentless ridicule for their performances in the prequels of the creator – the galactic universe e, George Lucas.

But these 'enemies' who also criticized Lucas's prequels and changes to the original films, are the same ones who are now begging him to "save" the Disney franchise .

And they argue that their move – mainly through Twitter – has led to the failure of the fallout on Han Solo. Disney has still not responded to AFP's request for comment on the subject. (You might be interested: Donald Glover, why did he get away from the world by recording the new Star Wars movie?)

For now, David Opie wrote from Highsnobiety's online magazine, quoting Rose in "The Last Jedi" "" Instead of fighting against what we hate, the best way to win is to "save what we love" "

" Nothing captures the spirit rebel more than celebrating what matters to us the most and as long as we continue to do that, the dark side of the fans of 'Star Wars' will stay forever in the sea, he said. (You might be interested: What is the order of Star Wars movies before Han Solo?)

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