Universal released the first trailer of Glbad, the third film in the world of superheroes created by Mr. Night Shyamalan when he created Unbreakable and that He continued seventeen years later with Split which left us a wonderful surprise at the end of the film.

Yes Unbreakable centered on David Dunn, Split on Kevin Crumb, Glbad will focus on Elijah Price or Mr. Glbad, the fragile but very intelligent character and evil with ] Samuel L. Jackson

Unbreakable has unfortunately suffered from the success of the director's previous feature, The Sixth Sense . created a year ago and that was a huge surprise for the theaters. Perhaps many were expecting something similar or something supernatural, but eventually became so much followed that it became a kind of worship.

At the time Shyamalan said that Unbreakable was the beginning of something. important, but we had to wait almost two decades and the end of Split to understand that it was the same universe. With Glbad play expand and finish the trilogy.

"This will be the first truly realistic superhero movie," said the director, trying to focus on the reasons for the protagonists' decisions, more than in the superpowers that each of them has, his motivations and what drives them to make certain decisions.

I have an 11-page preview for my next film in my bag. I can not tell you what it is, but if you saw #Split

– Mr. Night Shyamalan (@MNightShyamalan) February 4, 2017 [19659008Youcancommentonthisandothertopicsin our community

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