The two Benjamin Pavard was chosen the best goal of the World Cup in Russia


The powerful shot from outside the surface of Frenchman Benjamin Pavard, who was 2-2 in the second round of the World Cup against Russia, was chosen as the best goal of the 169 who were scored in the tournament by fans.

At a vote on, the extraordinary shot from the outside with the good loot took the prize of "Tournament Purpose".

Pavard picked up a cross from the other side of his teammate Lucas Hernández and joined the ball with force and skill to beat Franco Armani and put the 2-2 in shock which ended with the victory of the following World Cup champion for 4-3

This was imposed on other level goals like the thrower shot of Colombian Juan Quintero against Japan in the group stage , who finished second, and the powerful shot from the front Luka Modric against Argentina, also in the league, third in the vote.

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