University of Chile went out drawn Colchagua for the knockout stages of Copa Chile, the feeling was of relief for blue fans. Is the difference in the category between one and foreshadowed an easy key for Frank Darío Kudelka's bosses. However, in the match played last week, the situation was complicated for the U and won with a 2 to 1 .

With this result, the Colchagüinos were delighted with the return, contested this Saturday at El Teniente de Rancagua, and gone in search of a win that would allow them to continue to make history. But in front, he found a U who wanted to settle everything with comfort and he did it: a 4 to 0 shot allowed him to close the key with an overall score of 6 to 1 and to to clear a path to the quarter-finals.

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So we live the clbadification of U at Copa Chile

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