The U "responded" to the Adimark survey with its statistics on public participation in


What is the most popular club in Chile? This is the question that still divides the fans of Colo Colo and Universidad de Chile . The discussions are usually made eternal and everyone has his arguments to say that his club is the one with the most fans in the country. The certain thing is that according to the results provided by the sixth version of poll Adimark of Chilean football, albos at the moment the respondents replied to which team they were fans, obtained 43% of the preferences on the 21% achieved by the U.

Given this statistic issued by the survey company, the U "responded" by publishing the statistics of the public that they have been from local to throughout the Championship National 2018, being ample domineers in the attendance of fans of the stadium. According to data provided by the blue box, last weekend, when faced Huachipato for the first date of the second round of the tournament, 26,096 people attended the National.

Sunday's participants, Universidad de Chile reached 255,723 spectators in the eight games who played in the premises of Ñuñoa, averaging 31,965 fans per game. "We are the only team that has pbaded the 200,000 mark of the current tournament," the club writes on its official website.

"Recall that in the season 2017 we were also the team that brought the most audiences to the stadiums, with 633,598 fans a record that was our new record of attendance, "they add.

Also, as they were taking a look at the results of the investigation and its rival, the U ends with a "when it s & # 39; 39 is to encourage our players, commitment and blue loyalty are not discussed ".

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