The ultimate River-Boca manages to play on the desks


In the end, there was no end. And we do not know if there ever will be any. In order to preserve sporting equality, the South American Confederation of Football (Conmebol) has postponed without delay the great definition of the Copa Libertadores that River and Boca were to play at the Monumental Stadium on Sunday and summoned the presidents on Tuesday morning . of the two entities, Rodolfo D'Onofrio and Daniel Angelici, to a new summit with the head of the continental entity, Paraguayan Alejandro Dominguez, at the headquarters of the entity in Asunción.

Conmebol wants the match to be played Saturday, December 8

But Boca will try to recover an account pending from 2015: in a presentation before the discipline unit of the governing body of football South American, it was requested that the maximum penalties referred to in Article 18 of the Regulation be applied and, consequently, the meeting is not disputed, the points of the match are granted to him and he is given by offices the present Glbad.

In principle and or what Mundo D was able to establish from secure sources, Conmebol would have no provision allowing the Copa Libertadores to be defined outside the court and nor to River to resign because they understand that the aggression against the Boquense bus was made possible by a failure of the security operation.

At most, the club of Núñez would be inflicted a heavy fine for the excesses organized by some of its supporters, but the intention is that the title of America be resolution by the sport and not by the administration.

"My idea is that matches are won and lost on the court, but I also have the responsibility to defend Boca's interests," Angelici said.

He spoke at a brief and tumultuous press conference he gave with his coach Guillermo Barros Schelotto at the Puerto Madero hotel, where the Xeneize campus was concentrated after the Brutal aggression with stones and bottles. who suffered Saturday when he arrived by bus at the Monumental stadium.

Angelici's initial idea was for the final to be held on Sunday, as stipulated in the agreement signed with Dominguez and D & # 39; Onofrio after the postponement became official.

But the firm opposition of some of his closest leaders, such as Vice President Dario Richarte and Secretary General Cristian Gribaudo, and especially campus referrals, such as Carlos Tevez, convinced him of the need to pay for everything and pay to River with the same currency as at the eighth of end of the Cup 2015.

D'Onofrio quickly moved his coins after this painful night of May 14 at the Bombonera in which River was attacked with Pepper gas when I entered to play the second half of the second leg. He certified that the players were not able to continue the match and knew in Asunción that the Conmebol gave him the game won, decreed the ranking "millionaire" and therefore the elimination of Boca and suspended the Bombonera . This episode has hardened the personal relationships between Onofrio and Angelici and has definitely hurt the pride of Boquense.

"Boca did not say that he would ask for points – anything that would change what we signed on Saturday would miss the floor," said Onofrio after meeting with Marcelo Gallardo at the club rally, where the River Campus spent the night after Saturday's suspension.

The "millionaire" president did not want to open a public trial on the new attitude of Angelici and the case was opened in front of the Conmebol. But those around him did not hesitate to describe it as "a betrayal".

"The rematch will be held in River and with the public," Onofrio said on the risk that the final will take place on a neutral stage, inside or out. outside.

Fuentes de Conmebol has flatly dismissed the version according to which the final of December 8th would be held in Abu Dhabi since the 18th of this month, the American champion had to compete in one of the semi-finals of the World Cup. Clubs

Whatever it is, it is clear that the struggle is evolving towards another scenario

Printed Edition

The original text of this article was published on 26/11/2018 in our edition printed.

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