The University of Concepción loses 4-2 to OHiggins


The University of Concepción lost 4-2 against O. Higgins at the Estadio El Teniente de Rancagua, match valid for the 28th date of the national championship Scotiabank 2018.

The cast Francisco Bozán came to the meeting with the need to add points to continue the battle for the championship with 52 points, only two over Catholic University .

pupilos of Marco Antonio Figueroa played the commitment after a series without defeat since the arrival of the national strategist at the club.

  Francisco Bozán

The first half was a real goal war. The penquista table opened the account early Alejandro Camargo to 12 minutes. However, when the clock scored 25 minutes, Nicolás Oroz tied the result with a shot from the precise left foot; his seventh goal in the championship.

  Alejandro Camargo

Later, Nicolás Mazzola led the rancagüina team by a penalty at 35;; advantage that would end in the hand of Hugo Droguett to mark the partial of 2-2 to 43 ".

  Nicolás Mazzola

Already in the second stage, Mazzola scored one more goal; this time, Argentina took advantage of a center on the right and headed towards the sterilization of the reaction of Cristián Muñoz in 65.. The final 4-2 would arrive by a shot from Maximiliano Salas to 72 minutes

With this result, the Universidad de Concepción continues with 52 points and loses a great opportunity to surpbad the time of day. Catholic University in the fight for leadership, which has 54 points and will face this Sunday against Antofagasta.

O. Higgins, on the contrary, reached the Spanish Union in eighth position with 38 units.

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