"The Walking Dead" 9×03 takes the first step for the fall of Rick Grimes | SPOILERS | Television | Series


" The Walking Dead " becomes a series of detectives this week to show the other side of the new order that Rick Grimes poses for communities; but behind this peace, there are people who are discontented … and I am not talking only about the Saviors.

Next, the revealers of " The Walking Dead " 9×03:

Justin is dead. The Savior member is a zombie discovered by Maggie (Lauren Cohan), who has seen how uncomfortable it is to deal with people who were previously in charge and who are now unhappy with how things work.

Justin was not like that. a saint, but he has comrades ready to fight for justice. The saviors accuse formerly of having killed, others designate Daryl. The conflict is about to get worse when Rick Grimes (Andrew Lincoln), a hero of independence, appears on horseback to stop the groups.

Every Week " The Walking Dead " paves the way for Rick Grimes to leave the series. We see this time that he wants to have a son with Michonne (Danai Gurira), he calls his contribution to transform the world, to give him hope. But another son is just part of the process because Rick wants to preserve all lives. Keeping Negan (Jeffrey Dean Morgan) in jail is part of this plan.

Rick can not remain pbadive in the face of the disappearances of Saviors, he investigates. Daryl (Norman Reedus) is suspicious. Formerly too. The first (who swears not to be guilty) asks Maggie to find what might have happened to the Saviors. The second is involved in the mystery of the helicopter, which has not been solved for too long (I will come back to it later).

While Rick and Carol reduce two rebel Saviors, Maggie and Daryl find the reason for these disappearances: it is the Oceanside survivors, who killed the saviors who participated in it. the extermination of all the men of their community years ago.

As I mentioned earlier this season, " The Walking Dead " had too much time habituated to death; to the point of forgetting that behind every victim (hero or villain), there are people who suffer. Maggie can understand that because she lost Glenn to the Saviors.

Arat, one of Negan's greatest disciples, belongs to Oceanside. But Maggie can not save her. Or rather, he does not want to. This vengeance had not been made earlier out of respect for Rick's new order, but it came to fruition when Maggie killed Gregory. She wanted to show or not that it was possible to oppose the sheriff and his way of life. Maggie is going while Arat pleads not to be killed, just like Cyndie's 11-year-old brother, who he killed a long time ago

C & # 39; is so that " The Walking Dead " sows the seeds of a possible rebellion against Rick. Not with a drop situation that spilled the glbad, but with something slower. More than "hey, everything should not be like he is now, we can do better than the boss". The tragic thing is that both sides have reasonable arguments, so the conflict, which will be coming soon, promises to be great.


Two seasons later, the mystery of the helicopter follows us. Formerly (Pollyana McIntosh) finally reveals some things to us: she made a pact with another community, which would have a lot of resources. The way this mystery will be solved, including what happened with Father Gabriel, should not be delayed.

I almost miss him, but the pieces of wood that Rick sees hanging on his wall are from the ground where Carl and Judith have left their palms. painted in the previous season. It's sad: "

It's unusual to see happiness in" The Walking Dead ", in this case Rick, Michonne and Judith as a normal family.) We know that it will not last, which makes the joy is marked by an acid point.

And the next episode will have a Rick against Daryl …

"The Walking Dead" 9×04- trailer


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