The WHO reports an increase in measles cases worldwide


"We go back," acknowledged the World Health Organization.

Measles cases have increased by more than 30% in 2017 compared to 2016 and have made 110,000 deaths, the World Health Organization announced Thursday. .

The most important epidemics of the disease have been detected on the American continent, in the eastern Mediterranean and in Europe ", which suggests that we are backing away," said Martin Friede, head of the Department of WHO vaccines.

"The number of reported measles cases peaked in 2017 and several countries have experienced severe and prolonged outbreaks of this disease," the organization said in a statement.

For Dr. Seth Berkley, executive director of Vavin Alliance (Gavi), this increase in the number of cases is not surprising.

In Europe, there is "false information about the vaccine", while in countries like Venezuela, this increase is due to "the collapse of the vaccine". Berkley.

In many developed countries, mistrust has increased. vaccines, because of the campaigns that link these treatments to phenomena such as autism.

"In the absence of rapid efforts to increase immunization coverage and detect populations that have unacceptable levels of under-vaccination or non-vaccination in children, we risk erasing decades of progress in protecting children to communities in the face of this devastating but perfectly preventable disease, "said Dr Soumya Swaminathan, WHO's Deputy Director General for Programs.

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