The WHO warned that by 2050, half of the world's population will suffer from a type of allergy


There is a local and international consensus on the huge increase in allergic diseases in recent decades. The World Health Organization (WHO) estimates that by 2050, about half of the world's population will suffer from at least one allergic disorder . At Durand Hospital, the percentage of consultations has increased by almost 100% in a few years and already reaches nearly 8,000 consultations per year.

Allergies are mechanisms of the body's exaggerated immune response (hypersensitivity) to different environmental allergens, foods, drugs, etc. Depending on the type of allergy, different diagnostic tests are performed. In the serum, one measures the antibody (Immunoglobulin E), which is the most important marker of allergy levels of the person. There are also other key complementary studies such as various skin tests (PRICK test, intradermoreactions, patch tests) and oral challenge tests used in particular for food or drugs.

The field of application of the city does not escape the global trend of higher incidence of respiratory and dermatological allergies. As chronic diseases, the symptoms of allergic rhinosinusitis are clearly predominant and, to a lesser extent, asthma and dermatitis (eczema and urticaria). About 40% of the urban population has rhinitis symptoms at some point and about 15% have a history of asthma or asthma attacks.

In early autumn, it is inevitable to talk about worsening respiratory symptoms. They usually have allergic patients. Meanwhile, many viruses circulate and overlap with catarrhs ​​and known allergic rhinitis, which cause marked deterioration of these images. In addition, sudden changes in temperature and humidity are aggravating climatic factors.

The allergic rhinitis often badociated with sinusitis is very common because of the link between the upper and lower respiratory tract, episodes of asthma In autumn and winter, viral catarrhs ​​increase the number of bronchospasm. The same is true for cough, a very common symptom, and both symptoms may be facilitated by an allergic cause. In autumn and spring, and to a lesser extent in winter, there is a high incidence of dust mite allergies, at this time and especially in urban areas, fungal spore allergens increase.

In the fall, we close the doors and windows and the air pbades through ventilation and air conditioning pipes . When the temperature and humidity are not sufficiently regulated, condensation is formed inside the ducts, which serves as a reservoir for the proliferation of bacteria and fungi. Even when there is no air conditioning, the mere fact of closing the windows gives the interior of the house the appropriate conditions for the proliferation of mites, which require temperate temperatures and some degree of humidity.

Sometimes the symptoms of an allergy with a cold, whenever there is fever, a viral picture is suspected. Typical allergy symptoms are nasal itch, eye sneezing, and cold, severe nasal congestion and thick mucus . However, they can be present indistinctly in both tables

There may be people who do not suffer from allergy, but anyway there are individuals who have genetic (non-dominant) allergic tendency and do not express it. This is why symptoms can be triggered almost any time of life.

To treat an allergy, it is also necessary to establish a correct diagnosis in order to establish specific treatments and preventive strategies. In an integral biological context, an adjustment of the healthy lifestyle is necessary: ​​balanced diet, control of the environmental exposure to the allergens, management of the chronic stress, treatment of the hormonal dysfunctions, etc.

Age is One of the factors that may be subject to allergies is that, in childhood, allergic responses appear more clearly thanks to the genetic predisposition base . Children tend to develop respiratory and skin problems that can be stabilized with development, and of course with appropriate treatments. But it must be kept in mind that any condition in adult life, including the decrease of defenses or other symptoms, makes use of allergic phenomena or makes them appear.

Buenos Aires hospitals belonging to the Allergy and Asthma Network are: Álvarez, Argerich, Durand, Elizalde, Fernández, Gutiérrez, Penna, Piñero, Pirovano, Ramos Mejía, Rivadavia and Santojanni .

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