The woman who worked obsessively with Angelina Jolie


The young Iranian, Sahar Tabar is known around the world for her obsession with Angelina Jolie and the operations she's endured to look like the famous actress. However, after several surgeries his appearance attracts a lot of attention, especially for his makeup.

Now Sahar uses blue contact lenses, his nose is more pointed and his cheeks are sunken (product of surgeries). In addition, today, he added the repertoire of a rather particular cosmetic work.

The reactions in social networks are disparate, and some even compare it with the protagonist of the animated film " The Corpse of the Bride ". Despite the controversies, Tabar commented in an interview that she was comfortable with her appearance and her face, so did not think about changing her way of putting on makeup, and baderted is surprised by the unrest that his pictures cause in people.

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