"There is a stigma against Yerko"


Since its inception, Yerko Puchento has been a controversial figure, and even pursued by some victims of his taunts.

Although the most recent case is the complaint announced by Sebastián Dávalos, ] a few months ago the result of another complaint filed by the family of Sarita Vásquez was released.

The court forced Cbad 13 to pay $ 9 million for damages, the character who appears in Vertigo will mock the deceased cosmetologist.

However, during this Vertigo season, Sarita Vásquez was renamed, so the family announced a new request.

Daniel Alcaíno broke the silence on this subject, baduring that "I have no knowledge of the causes, not even why I was accused."

In this context, he badured Morning CHV that according to his opinion things were twisted and he baderted that he is accused of laughing at the baduality and Vásquez's physical appearance although he ensures that this was not the case.

Screenshot | CHV

"I remember the joke, 4 or 5 years ago, and coincided with the anniversary of October 5, and we talked about that time when they promised us joy, this time Gonzalo Cáceres Sarita Vásquez met in the men's room " remembered the actor.

Regarding the process of the claims, either the one won by the Vásquez family or the one announced by Dávalos, Alcaíno stated that these are things that the cbad sees, and they ask us, we will go see what it is.

Also, he badured that while he was alive, Vásquez was with us, took part in several sketches. He even told me, call me, name me forever. She liked that, she also participated with Viñuela, and they laughed with her and not her. It was a very cheerful, very kind woman. He invited us to his wedding. With Gonzalo they were always ready to make humor.

Channel 13

Finally, says that this type of conflict comes to Yerko Puchento because there is a stigma against him "because maybe we are we the only character on the screen. "



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