There is another pregnancy going on with a genetically manipulated baby


He Jiankui unveils all the details of his project at an international summit on the human genome.

He Jiankui will remain in the history that has bypbaded the whole system of bioethical rules to create the first babies genetically manipulated since their conception.

For a moment, the veracity of his research and his "project" was questioned. But now, the researcher had his first public appearance after the scandal. Reveal not only that everything is real. But another pregnancy of his work is in progress.

During his participation in II International Summit on the Human Genome held in Hong Kong. He Jiankui was proud of what he had done. And he revealed that it was not over:

  CRISPR: Chinese scientists have created genetically modified babies "title =" CRISPR: Chinese scientists have created genetically modified babies "src =" https: // media / 2018 / 11/26 / cientficoschinaadnfja-82388496a1655154ac4caec5ff18751b.jpg "/>

<p>  I am proud of what I have done. If patients need it and we have the technology, we should help them. </p>
<p>  I regret that everything was planned because the information was disclosed in the media. My intention was to inform the Chinese and American authorities </p>
<p>. Before the badistants, he made sure that he was really opposed to improving genetic manipulations. But with this project, her only goal was to "heal, not to conceive babies". </p>
<p>  He also gave more details on how he had performed the experiment. Where he recruited eight couples with an HIV-positive father. </p>
<p>  Finally, only seven participated in the final phase. And besides Nana and Lulu, another pregnancy is underway. But the doctor refused to disclose more information about the identity of future parents. </p>
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