These are the unpublished scenes of "Avengers: Infinity War"


Pete Thompson, one of the artists who participated in the production of the film, shared some sketches with footage footage that was left in the editing room.

Such are the unpublished scenes of Avengers: Infinity War. 19659003] Marvel

Avengers: Infinity War continues to spark comment among Marvel fans. Recently, Jim Starlin, comics author and creator of Thanos revealed that more than half an hour of footage of the Russo brothers' cbadette had been left out of the final edit. (This may interest you: it is so that the Avengers would look like they were wearing comic costumes)

Many of these drawings feature Titán Loco ] and recreate alternative sequences to those included in the film. One of the sketches reveals the appearance of the farm where Thanos grew up on Titan, his home planet, before being completely destroyed. (You may be interested: The "brutal" scene removed from "Avengers: Infinity War")

Another image faces the collector played by Benicio del Toro, facing the Crazy Titan before they n & rsquo; # 39; reach his Lair Gamora, Star Lord and company in a brand new sequence. The black order also has importance in the sketches. Proxima Midnight, Ebony Maw, Corvus Glaive and Cull Obsidian appear in front of their leader in the Throne Room of Thanos. In addition, they also recreate the confrontation against Thor in Asgard. (You may be interested: "Avengers: Infinity War" wins world box office at first)

Finally, Thompson's sketches also show scenes included in the final montage, as the journey of the God of Tonner with Rocket and Groot until Nidavellir in search of his new weapon, or the arrival of the Q-Ship to the land already Dr. Strange trying to avoid his landing. (This may interest you: Who dies in "Avengers: Infinity War"?)

There is still no information on deleted scenes, and even if fans hope that some will be included in the DVD and Blu-Ray version, which seems unlikely is that an extended version of Infinity War will be released. For the moment, fans of the Marvel Cinematic Universe can enjoy the comedy Ant-Man and Wasp at the movies, with Paul Rudd and Evangeline Lilly and who has been in theaters since Wednesday. (You might be interested: Who's who in "Ant-Man", what's new in Marvel?)

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