They appoint Arsene Wenger as possible candidate for the banking system of Barcelona – International Football


© AFP.   Arsene Wenger nominated as possible candidate for the Barcelona bench

The goal means that the former Arsenal coach is an alternative to an alleged exit from Ernesto Valverde. TVN


Although Barcelona is located in the upper part of the Spanish League being placed in second position of the the world stuck in the eyes of the coach Ernesto Valverde .

And is that four consecutive games without a win, added to the style of play used by the coach, are not to fans' taste this panorama in the direction is already thinking of options in the event that Valverde would not upset his present.

In this situation, the middle Goal positioned the French Arsene Wenger . ] as a candidate for the central bank of Catalan distribution.

" The uncertainty about the future of Valverde ", as well as detailed international media, results in the former coach Arsenal can reorient himself and do things in big when he will run one of the biggest clubs in the world

It should be noted that the Frenchman is without a team since that time. He left office in the middle of the year of the Gunners.


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