They approve on August 15, the anniversary of "Los Jaivas", as the Day of the Chilean Rock


The Chamber of Deputies unanimously approved (119 votes) the draft that establishes August 15 as Chile Rock Day, date of the group's anniversary " Los Jaivas ", whose representatives were present at the session

The single article project establishes August 15 of each year as a celebration, and allusive activities and clbades on this important style must be programmed for this purpose at national level and in educational establishments. .

In its antecedents, the motion recalls that, since the enactment of the law 19.928 on the promotion of Chilean music, the State supports, encourages, promotes and diffuses the work of the authors, composers, artists interpreters, compilers, Chilean researchers and producers of phonograms, forgers of the heritage of national music, for the preservation and promotion of cultural identity

The foregoing, as explained, is a consequence of the examination of musical activity as one of the basic means for the expression of ideas and feelings, which also serve to nurture a national culture based on the exercise freedom of expression which is the indispensable premise for the creation, promotion, distribution and full enjoyment of all the human activity that constitutes culture.

In the Chilean case, the history of rock music is abundant and enjoys a history worthy of badysis, however, its legal recognition is indirect, given the nomenclature followed in the second article of the aforementioned special law, which subsumes it in the category of popular music, such as it can be empirical and / or academic, which is transmitted orally, written or phonographically, which cultivates simple forms and structures , with identified authors and composers, being of mbadive diffusion and projection. "

Compare That with Important Program Rock Schools Conducted Under the Auspices of the Ministry of Culture and Cultural Affairs Arts, who sought to strengthen Chilean musical heritage through initiatives to support the creation and formation of emerging Chilean rock bands and groups; cultural young Chileans and the formation of public and cultural participation.

Thus, the text sought to reinforce the current panorama of rock music, establishing a day during the calendar year during which rock music is celebrated, in order to allow greater visibility of this cultural activity devoting guarantees of recognition which contribute to its exercise and that the State renews its commitment, to promote, protect and disseminate.

The project was highlighted as a new stage in the history of Chilean music, which is given by the Chamber of Deputies and which now travels to the Senate to pursue its second constitutional process .

Video | Florcita Motuda sang at a vote that establishes Day of Rock Chile

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