They found another beaten bat in the Los Ríos area


A new specimen of the flying mammal was discovered in the city of Valdivia, which contained the rabies virus.

This was confirmed by the Los Ríos Health Unit, which now counts five cases of infected bats.

According to information provided by Diario Futrono, three specimens were found in Valdivia, one in Panguipulli and the other in Rio Bueno. For her part, Regina Barra Seremi, explained that the epidemiological investigation had already been conducted to determine in the coming days

It is for the above that a survey will be conducted with the neighbors of the sector where the bat has been found, to determine where anti-rabies vaccination of unvaccinated dogs and cats will take place

It is important to remind the community that if it finds a bat with strange attitudes, such as an erratic flight it is necessary to capture it with adequate protective measures, and then take it to the offices of Seremi de Salud.

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