They give the first step to make the Guga law a reality


A profound sadness and shock in the national environment produced the accident suffered almost a year ago by Gustavo "Guga" Ortiz who fell from his bicycle before the competition at the Canada 8 of the spine, with damage to the spinal cord that left him without mobility in the lower part of his body.

However, the initial bitterness was turned into admiration, seeing the integrity with which the Sampedrino rider faced the situation. And, even more so, when he made public his desire to get something positive from the pain, with the idea that he came back to a fighting flag in the middle of his rehabilitation : that a law be legislated that allows any athlete who will represent Chile abroad, has a state insurance so that, in case of injury or damage Accident, it is covered economically, without going through the uncertainty that his family endured after his misfortune.

The media baptized the initiative as " Ley Guga " and today, almost 10 months later, he received his greatest government support after that of Santiago, the minister of Sports Pauline Kantor, with ] Francisca Crovetto (President of the to the Commission of Athletes of the Olympic Committee of Chile ), in addition to Deputies, Francisco Undurraga and Pablo Prieto signed an agreement to work on readers' This is an important step, as a starting point, for our government, through the Ministry of Sports from 1945 to 003, can generate support for all athletes who represent our country. With the initialling of this initiative, we will continue to work for them and for them, because thus we will give security to those who are an example for future generations, "badured the minister Pauline Kantor once the meeting table work, where also participated the national mountainbike champion.

A misleading beginning

Once the table of work in the dependencies of the Ministry of Sports it was learned that his legal team and that of Deputies Undurraga and Prieto, collected the needs of athletes through Francisca Crovetto and the experience that Gustavo Ortiz had to live, so as to deliver an initiative The Minister Pauline Kantor, declared that she hoped that this project would be more effective in the coming weeks, although the authorities refused to set specific deadlines. He has transversal support and receives the speed necessary for athletes to be protected as soon as possible.

On his side, the big protagonist of the instance, "Guga" Ortiz, was excited by this first step. . "It is a pride to represent and be a kind of ambbadador of this law.The idea is to help this project to get out as quickly as possible and so that all the athletes of can feel protected when they have to defend Chile's colors abroad. I think that's a big step and I'm sure a lot of Athletes will be happy. "

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