They sue Gigi for a paparazzi photo – Reformation – 19/10/2018


Gigi Hadid posted on Instagram that she had been sued for uploading a photo of her taken outside of an event that occurred last week by a paparazzi who was not accredited to its social network.

"Posed and smiles, the picture because I understand that it's part of my job, that it was a suitable situation for the" press "and that it's also how the paparazzi earn their living," writes the model.

Gigi went on to badert that In most cases, paparazzi complicate the daily lives of the people they follow and feel that in general, their privacy is violated unreasonably.

"These people are making money with us all, the days are harbading us LEGALLY day by day … for nothing in particular … for us to walk six feet to a car or a work building" said celebrity.

Many of her known s had car accidents by the imprudent paparazzi, which, she said, dangerously drive close and endanger the general public when looking for a photo.

"Sue for a photo FOUND ON TWITTER (without the name of the photographer in the picture), for a photo already paid by a company that put it online, it's absurd! "

" For the paparazzi, I understand that it's like that they're making a living and I respect the fact that it's something I have to accept for my work. There is a line, we are human beings and sometimes it takes a lot of courage to interact with you because of the resentment I feel for these negative experiences. "

Bella Hadid, from Gigi, showed her support for the famous and shared his feelings about paparazzi living similar experiences.

According to People in the United States, the law protects people who take photos for editorial purposes. public place under the first amendment of its constitution.

The law also condemns people who take pictures on police crime scenes, in public toilets or in protected areas, such as government premises.

In other countries legislation was created to protect stars: in England, for example, certain rules were created after the death in 1997 of Princess Diana in an accident. Motor racing for the persecution of a paparazzi.

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