"They want great deals, and it's a sacrifice"


The U's midfielder was very tough with the gift of football players who emerge in local football. "We make the player believe that he's too good, and it's not like that," he said.

David Pizarro always speaks directly. The player of the Universidad de Chile, who has distinguished himself by his career in Europe, does not hide his concern for the disposition of young footballers who are now emerging in local football.

"It goes hand in hand with the work, that all the boys they are in the campus of the University of Chile, they have to join the big one.We sometimes have to work two and a half hours.And the rest to love and to throw the size you have an hour before in the comarine.When you work, you have to work.I have already happened that the boys pbad the mountain range and come back very quickly. our fault, our culture, that we make the player believe that it is too good, and this is not the case, "he said during a conversation with CDF [19659004] "In time, I went back to Chile, see, it's that young boys claim more than they can prove.They want super contracts, and it's a sacrifice." "

Finally, the Fantasista emphasized Kudelka's work:" There is a lot of work going on. With Kudelka, we are working on let us intensely. I've known a lot of coaches, but Kudelka's way of working will surely be seen in some very important clubs. "

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