This is how young Luke Skywalker intended to appear in The Force Awakens


Another actor Mark Hamill played Luke in the suppressed scene of King's vision

One of the themes he spoke about in Star Wars: The Force Awakens was Luke Skywalker [] . did not appear in the film since we only saw it for a few seconds in the final scene and now we have to confirm that things would be different.

The original idea was that in Rey's vision we would see well. a sequence of the famous lightsaber duel scene between Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader in The Empires Strikes Back, pointing out that Luke would not be played by Mark Hamill but by the actor Robert Boulter ( via /Film).

The rumors circulated in 2015 that Boulter was selected for the young version of Luke, but since the scene was dismissed, nothing has happened. 39, was mentioned on this subject.

Now We saw on Reddit a photograph showing The dress and hairstyle of Boulton under the name of Skywalker which shows us for the first time its appearance in the aforementioned scene.

  Luke Skywalker "title =" Luke Skywalker "src =" "/>

<p> What do you think, would you have liked to see Luke young in King's vision or do you think it would not have worked? </p>
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