This is the likely formation of Colo Colo to face La Calera | Sports


Colo Colo has not yet received the CTI from Lucas Barrios with two days before the match against Union La Calera in Sausalito.

However, according to information from Deportes' DNA, the striker's pbad would reach Macul on Friday and Hector Tapia could count on the striker for the duel that will be played at Sausalito stadium.

Jorge Valdivia is for the match against the cement producers. The "Magician" is in the last stage of the sports refund and next Monday he will be able to train alongside his teammates.

All indications are that the albos would be formed with: Agustín Orión; Óscar Opazo, Matías Zaldivia, Juan Manuel Insaurralde, Damian Perez, Claudio Baeza, Carlos Carmona, Esteban Pavez; Esteban Paredes, Lucas Barrios and Iván Morales .

In the event that the Barrios CTI would not arrive, Tapia will opt for Jaime Valdes' entry into the midfield and leave Paredes and Morales ahead.

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