This is the reason why Andrei Hadler did not participate in the tribute to Luis Jara


On Wednesday, Rojo's participants were visited by Luis Jara who, in addition to singing with them, told them a part of his life and career.

Mega's face told competitors the hard times he'd been through revealing that he even went bankrupt in 1994, which he happily managed to overcome through an offer to conduct a television show.

Later, when they spoke with the group, Álvaro Escobar spoke of the professionalism of the singer, emphasizing the fact that it always happens earlier at rehearsals.

At that time, the cameras showed Andrei Hader, who later did not participate in the tribute that the singers

His absence drew the Attention of the fans of the program, and although it was not said explicitly, it was implicit that was for not getting to the rehearsal, which would be the same reason why he could not fight immunity.

Where is Andrei? #RojoNuevasAmenazas

– Yesi (@Yeeee_si) July 12, 2018

It's unjust that Andrei can not compete! I should compete and lower one point to the final score as they did with all the other participants who do not go to rehearsals or things like that! Equality for all po ??? #RojoNuevasAmenazas

– Laurita ? (@lauritakarma) July 12, 2018

] # RedNew Threats Andrei pucha the next time you rise sipo ? it's not fair that you stay like this

– B Ê NJ (@ BNJ96279135) July 12, 2018

Ok, if you did not come in rehearsal He arrived late, leaving the teachers waiting, they must punish Andrei. If it's a question, it's the competition, not the charity. #RojoNuevasAmenazas

– Anubis Elisset (@Oasica) July 11, 2018

Why is Andrei not considered? I have not seen it in musicals and now neither in participation in immunity … #RojoTVN #RojoNuevasAmenzas

– Maktub (@fer_ihg) 11 July 2018

I will give him an alarm / alarm to Andrei so that it does not happen later, if it is not love I do not know not what it was #RedNumberAndaughter #RojoTvn

– english (@strivechris) July 11, 2018

For some time I have not seen Andrei on the screen, what is the difference? #RojoTVN

– # 꾹 ? (@infts) July 11, 2018

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