Thus, the scandal was triggered for charges of sexual abuse against Nicolás López


The director Nicolás López appeared Sunday afternoon in a video, with which he personally made his first statements, after being accused of harbadment and badual abuse in a published report this week-end. week

Similar to what happened with Herval Abreu, eight women denounced López, among them Lucy Cominetti, Josefina Montané and María Vidaurre baderting that he took advantage of his Director position, engaging dialogues of high badual load, fumbling, insulting each time that he was rejected and even masturbating in front of one of them.

Now in the clip that spans nearly two and a half minutes, the filmmaker pointed out that ] will abandon the work that he did to his production company Sobras, "l & rsquo; One of the most beloved projects of my life ".

He also explained, "I do not want an event in my private life, the technical team, actors, and I want you to know everything that is said about me, the only one responsible here it is me . "

" I am not an accuser, I am not an abuser, I repeat. I may have been a despiteriado, barsa , jot, fool, but that I'm not " also said.

López remained silent since the publication of the accusations that eight actresses delivered to the magazine Saturday ] and justified to deliver his lyrics on YouTube so that all the media who were looking for a reaction from him, had the material at the same time.

Before the video, it was only manifested with a text published in image format in His account on Instagram. He also argued that "I am not a stalker or an abuser" something that he reiterated in the clip.

By the time the filmmaker wrote that, his lawyer Paula Vial, had already declared through a public statement that "we will evaluate the legal actions that are relevant to defend his honor" this on the grounds that 39; he considered that in the publication of El Mercurio "there is declaracio false and other décontextualisés"

Of the Foundation for trust, entity that will support those who delivered their testimonies, considered that the threats to complain were a "fear" and the president of the foundation the plaintiffs of Karadima, José Andrés Murillo pointed out that "there is a pattern of behavior" which is not exclusive to this case, but "is repeated in the figures of Precht, Karadima, Patricio Hales, and even Weinstein" .

Meanwhile, in social networks, multiple actresses, actors and other showgoers condemned Lopez's actions, at the same time as they expressed their support for the victims, with publications that kept the name of the director among the topics most commented during the day of Saturday and much of that one Sunday.

Even Leonor Varela whose statements appeared in the report, but without being identified, went out to comment on the fall of the man after the "unfiltered" blockbusters and "I am not not crazy. " The US-based actress urged him to take charge of "a bad attitude."


Up to now on Netflix you can see five productions in which Nicolás López involved. These are the hit movies "Unfiltered", "I'm not crazy" and "Aftershock", besides the chapters of "What a shame your show", inspired by his trilogy.

But the permanence of these titles in the streaming service is in doubt on charges against the filmmaker. In addition, Netflix officials issued a statement in which they argued that an upcoming project that López had in his file "is currently under review" .

But Netflix is ​​not the only allegation of badual abuse in the world of national entertainment. Indeed, after the report of Abreu, in the Union of Actors of Chile (Sidarte) opened a chain of denunciations and with the Lopez they reinforced these protocols with more concrete measures.

To the plaintive voices revealed by the magazine ] Saturday also joined a friend of Lopez: Cristina Peña y Lillo who said that on one occasion the director s & # 39 is thrown at her and tried to kiss . Along with that, he said that he was "a witness to his chauvinistic jokes, his ridicule." It was unpleasant. He joked while looking for an opportunity . "

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