Time betrays Pichilemu Women's Pro


The bad weather forced us to suspend the second day of surfing in the Pichilemu Women's Pro-2018. The storm that reached Punta de Lobos during the first hours of Friday caused a rain and a north wind that changed the waves and prevented optimal conditions for the competition. It has been postponed until tomorrow.

the public was numerous and there were maneuvering competitions, where the surfers took risks and demonstrated all their experience to dominate the waves. The best wave and best maneuver awards were won by the Portuguese Camilla Kemp and Argentina's Sofía Cosoleto.

Forecasts for this Saturday are more positive than expected. It is expected that the time will improve and that the third and final day will be developed from the contest without any inconvenience. Starting at 10 am, the quarter-finals will be played, highlighting the duel between the Costa Rican and defending champion, Leilani McGonagle (18th) to the best representative of Chile, Lorena Fica (98th). The owner of the house, Jessica Anderson (131 °), will also attend an action before the Transandean Cosoleto (121 °).

At noon, the semifinals are scheduled and at 2 pm, the final, where the champion of the fifth version will be decided. of the event taking place in the sixth region.

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