Title with a lot of flavor in Chile: Necaxa left the champion of Supercopa with Captain Matías Fernández


  Title with a lot of flavor in Chile: Necaxa left the Supercopa champion with Captain Matías Fernández

Necaxa was guided by the Chileans / image: Twitter Necaxa

  Title with a lot of flavor in Chile: Necaxa left Supercopa champion with Matías Fernández de capitán

The necaxa of Matías Fernández, Víctor Dávila, Marcelo Allende and Felipe Gallegos stayed with Supercopa MX when they defeated Monterrey for the minimum account, allowing the Chileans to achieve their second title of the year after winning the Copa MX Clausura, title that allowed them to challenge the definition of this Sunday.

The only match was scored by Francisco Sebastián Córdova at 25 minutes, after Define only against Marcelo Barovero after a great pbad from Fernando González.

In the match, Gallegos was on the pitch for 90 minutes, while Fernandez, who was captain, left He went to the 71st, Allende was replaced at 77 & # 39; and Dávila left the Court at 81 º

30 ⏱ | #NECvsMTY | 1-0 | # SuperCopa2018 | That's how he defined @ Cordovar97 to go forward on the dashboard. Come on, let's go! 19️ pic.twitter.com/L0BkqTRQBr

– Club Necaxa ⚡ (@ClubNecaxa) July 15, 2018

The # SuperCopa2018 accompanies us Aguascalientes Come on, Necaxa! # ConElRayoEnElCorazón ⚡️ pic.twitter.com/kOWuTIeKVs

– Club Necaxa ⚡ (@ClubNecaxa) July 16, 2018

Necaxa wins him the ] #SuperCopaMX in Monterrey https://t.co/MmeOPJWCKE pic.twitter.com/KIbQJGDDsG

– Journal Excelsior (@Excelsior) July 16, 2018

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