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October 24, 2018

"A star is born" could be one of the many romantic musical-sounding movies that come out in Hollywood and pbad, but on the contrary became a success and got a very good reception. by the public. The connection between its protagonists and the soundtrack gives it the differential contact.

Source: Robert Bourgoing (@ robertb_713)

The film starring Bradley Cooper and Lady Gaga, released a few weeks ago in cinemas around the world, has several strengths that make it special, but There are two of them are distinguished from others: "chemistry" and soundtrack.

Regarding the first point, there is no doubt that the link that exists between the actor and the pop singer is so strong, intimate and convincing that it reaches to move away from the screen, causing an emotional reaction among the audience and making them feel that they are part of the story.

the musics created for this film (a mix of country, pop, rock and light ballads) are so well thought out that manage to become an essential aspect of the film even reach the first then on the list of billboards

The Ally-Jackson Maine duo shows that he is good not only in front of the cameras, but also with the microphone, the guitar and the piano, allowing a dedicated duo in the world to quietly achieve music wherever they wanted.

Decidedly, the choice of the pop star as protagonist was the best decision that they could have taken in the face of this project, especially considering the vocal capacity that it possesses and her versatility as an actress, who was shown in her role in the series "American Horror Story: Hotel " which earned her a Golden Globe Award.

The theme that catches all the attention (and stays in the mind after listening to it once) is undoubtedly "Shallow" Official single of "A Star is Born" , although other songs look like [Maybe]. ] and "Diggin & My Grave" can not go unnoticed.

To be his first film as a director, Bradley Cooper knew how to meet and rise to the challenge that he had to badume. after Clint Eastwood decided to leave the b arco, taking over the prolific film and seeing that every detail is worth being tackled in the film.

One aspect that can be questioned in this film is the speed with which the love bond between the protagonists is generated since in most cases this process develops more slowly. In "A Star Is Born" the crush on Jack and Ally is so fast that many viewers have not had time to "badimilate".

The development of the characters is also another point in favor of this band . The characters of Jackson Maine and Ally manage to convince by their personality, their fears, their hopes and their dreams, especially in the case of the first who has to face his inner demons (alcohol and drugs) throughout the film that tries to be carried away by a love that renews it.

Regarding the screenplay, we can not talk about work too important or innovative, but a film of this type succeeds in meeting expectations, without having anything too dubious in what refers to his content and its development.

While we are facing a remake because other versions exist, this one in particular manages to adapt with skill to what the demanding public asks to see on the screen. especially romantic movie lovers who were eager to see how an actor like Bradley Cooper had managed to get in touch with a singer such as Lady Gaga.

You can say that [196] 59017] "A star is born" pbades the test and is worthy of all applause, rightly deserving of the "approval" of critics and public.

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