Tonka Tomicic confessed that she wanted to become a religious in her youth


The theme was an extreme experience that would have brought the panelists to connect with their spiritual side. Tonka Tomicic published her confession about how she wanted to become a nun in her youth.

Minetras Pedro Engel revealed that he also had the intention of becoming a priest. Tomicic was much more precise in describing his intentions.

"I thought I was religious, I was a girl and I remember having prayed a lot, a lot" she explained. "I had to be about 10 years old, I calculate, I'm talking about praying, but also about this connection, something that takes your whole body, your energy and your mind, and you connect deeply."

He also explained that he had had intense moments. his adult life in which he aspires to this possibility of religious connection.

" I remembered with envy this powerful power connection, maybe, he gravitated over there, I finally had it again, but not at this age There is a mix of ingenuity … but things are happening in your life, "he said.

One of the times when he was able to reconnect was when his sister was very sick and prayed "for all and for all, because myself, although I got married in Jerusalem, I I also converted to Judaism, I do not feel a particular religion, I feel bound to God and his energies that act on Earth. "

VIDEO Our Tonka confessed that she thought to be a nun # Welcome13

– # Welcome13 (@ Welcome13) 22 October 2018

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