Tonka Tomicic warns of new cases of abuse after complaints against Nicolás López


On Tuesday, the subject of harbadment and badual abuse by the filmmaker, Nicolás López made eight women, including several actresses, touched in the morning

In this context, it was an obligatory topic among panelists and "host" orchestra conductors, where they made their point of view known. But that attracted the most attention, was that of Tonka Tomicic who made a serious warning where "there would be more reports where other stalkers would fall."

" And when finished the first report of Herval Abreu, I remember the last sentence that said," There are many others. "And they say that there is And that in the next few weeks, on the next Saturday, there would be more reports where other stalkers would fall "he said.

Meanwhile, Mariana Derderián launched in a serious and sincere way: " new situations on Nicolás López ."

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