Tourist tries to pet a lion and immediately notices that it was a terrible idea | Society


Although lions are often described as super aggressive animals, the truth is that they are pretty calm if they are not provoked.

But not because they are calm and without the courage to attack when you are in front of them, it means that they will tolerate you touching them.

This was learned by a tourist during a visit to the Serengeti National Park in in Tanzania and shared on social networks by the YouTube channel WildLife Sightings.

In the sequence that has more than 1.3 million reproductions, we see that a man pbades his arm through the window of a safari vehicle and tries to caress a lion. At first, the animal does nothing, but after a few seconds, it gets angry and roars. The latter frightened the young man, who quickly closed the mobile window.

When publishing the footage, the same Youtube channel warned that although lions often approach these autos-safari and lie by their side because they're shaded, "that does not mean that # They trust humans ". The Spanish ABC

"Trying to touch a lion is incredibly stupid and ignorant on the part of the tourist who filmed the sighting" they added.

The South African safari Naas Smit told the British press that the lion "could have pulled off the arm of the person who touched it."

Smit also added that the animal could have attempted to enter the vehicle. from the window to attack other pbadengers. "They were lucky enough to get by," he said.

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