Toy Story 4: Tom Hanks warns of the tragic end of the band | Pixar | Disney | Woody | VIDEO | Cine-series


Rumors have been circulating for months on the sad end Toy Story . However, none of this had been confirmed until Tom Hanks confirmed what everyone was worried about.

If you are one of the many people who thought that the end of Toy Story 3 was the saddest thing you saw at the movies, with T oy Story 4 that feeling increase.

That is Tom Hanks himself who spoke in an interview of the recording experience of the end of the next Pixar movie, apparently so dramatic that he could not even not look at the people he worked with.

The actor, who plays Woody in the English version, has revealed that " Toy Story 4 will have a shocking end" and "For the way in which you record Toy Story, you are in a piece with the team that created it.Then, when I arrived for my last day of recording, I wanted to turn their backs on them, because you are usually in front of them to be able to look at them. look and speak. "

" I did not want to see them and claimed that they could not see me, "said the actor. "When I realized what they were looking for, I understood:" Oh, it's a moment for the story. "I ended up breaking myself inside."

As some people know, Hanks had already said that the fourth part of Toy Story would be exciting, as confirmed by his co-star, Tim Allen who makes the voice. Buzz Lightyear who had stated that he had to "resist the emotion" when recording his scenes for the film.

Toy Story 4 still does not release a trailer or exact release date. his film premiere will be in 2019.

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