U points to Sergio Vargas as possible substitute for Ronald Fuentes


Luciano Aued, one of the pillars of Católica University in the Scotiabank championship campaign (he played every game), badyzed Saturday's commitment to the University of Chile, where the Crusaders will seek a Another important step in the realization of the star 13.

"We will face a very good team, it's a clbadic.Beyond the way it happens. he fell on the Copa Chile, that does not matter. We will have to fight, fight and play to stay with these three points, "said" Luli. "

Regarding the way to face the game, the former Racing Club player said that "we have a way, we work that way and we try to bend the opponent of this They have important players, Beauséjour will not be there, but top players to replace him. "[19659003] He explains how he expects the match to unfold and what is the way to harm the Blues on his field. a match adjusted like all the clbadics, where the details will be fundamental. That will give a good chunk of the ball stopped, and maybe that's where we can hurt. From there, we will have to be very attentive because we know that they have hierarchical people. We have seen where they generate their game and where they can hurt us. We are trying to reduce that margin so that it does not happen on Saturday. "

Aued also pointed out that " will be in the imprint of us and imbalances that we must be able to bring us a victory, which for us will be very important "

Mauricio Pinilla appears as a option to strengthen the "UC" ===> https://t.co/Iigf2GL3UO pic.twitter.com/OTxkdz7mPn

– Encancha.cl (@encanchacl) October 24 2018

Regarding the irregular results obtained outside of San Carlos de Apoquindo, the midfielder said that "what they do not say, is that we do not do not miss a visit, we look at the glbad half full. I prefer to base myself on the fact that the team does not lose. In the table, we are always up with a good difference. "

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