Unión La Calera defeated O & # 39; Higgins and returned to …


Unión La Calera will be in charge of opening the next day against Palestino Friday at 20:00, while O 'Higgins will visit a more complicated San Luis, which remains in the downhill position.

Union La Calera recovered after the bad start of the second round and defeated O. Higgins 3-2 at El Teniente Stadium in Rancagua, who also took advantage of the leaders' defeat to get closer to the top and continue in the fight for the title.

After a good start from the heavenly, it's the "cement" that managed to open the account. After a series of bad rival defense applications, Carlos Núñez finished and his shot hit the post, but the rebound was left to Josepablo Monreal, who had no problem to set and put both for his team at 21 minutes.

Although they were entangled in the match, the Celestes were able to reach the 34-minute tie thanks to a goal from Ramón Fernández. The midfielder, who came to Chile to La Calera, received outside the box and feigned for his profile, which put a huge right to put parity.

The joy of the locals lasted little, because only four minutes later the drop for the caleranos arrived. A shot by Fernando Saavedra, the ball was deflected by Tomás Alarcón and Josepablo Monreal, who was already becoming the face of the match, was only putting the cement advantage against a daunting rival defense.

Víctor Rivero went out to wait and go against, and that's how they defined the hedge in their favor at 57 "with a deadly counter-attack that once again defined Monreal in front of a center Gonzalo Abán to put the third.

Mauricio Larriera left with everything in search of a draw and the expulsion of Víctor Retamal at 76 les helped them to increase their offensive power. After several midfield shots that found a great response in Claudio González, the "Capo de Provincia" was traded when Pablo Calandria deflected the ball after a pbad from Fernandez and the rebound was left to Fabián Hormazábal, who set to excite game, but ultimately everything ended with victory for those in the fifth region.

With this, the & quot; Cementing Machine & # 39; is in third place with 34 points and is getting dangerously close to the Catholic University and the University of Concepción. For their part, the Rancagüinos continue to relegate the units and rank seventh with 26.

Unión La Calera will be in charge of opening the next day against Palestino Friday at 20:00, while O & # 39; Higgins will visit a more than complicated San Luis, who remains in a downhill position.


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