VAR: "the guest" who became the protagonist of the first phase of "Russia 2018" | International


A total of "335 actions were subject to verification" by the team of video badistance to arbitration (VAR ) during the first phase of the 2018 World Cup, announced this Friday FIFA, claiming a percentage of correct decisions of 99.3% thanks to his help, against 95% that would have been without it.

In the first 48 games of the World Cup, "all goals (122 of the first phase) as well as a good number of situations were verified, and in total there were 6.9 video reviews per game "on average, explained the FIFA referee, the former Italian referee Pierluigi Collina . "And out of these 335 checks, 17 led to a review through the VAR ," he said.

"In 14 of these cases, the referee moved to the edge of the field play, while the remaining three actions" were conducted directly through the Referee-VAR, located in the "VAR Chamber" of Moscow, exposed Colina. These last three pieces to which he was referring corresponded to "an offside, an incident in the greater region and an error in the identification of a player" .

In total, 14 decisions were changed during the first round matches after appealing the VAR, while 3 others were confirmed: 1 criminal penalty and 2 n / a had not been granted with just reason.

In summary, of the 335 incidents badyzed, 95% of the arbitration decisions were correct. But with the addition of the success of these 14 mentioned changes, after using the VAR, they increased to 99.3% the success of the arbitration, says FIFA.

The average time of use of the resource VAR in the middle of a match was 80 seconds in this World Cup, the first to apply this technology that allows for avoid many controversies.

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