Víctor Jara received justice: Chilean judges convict assassins of famous singer-songwriter


Visiting Minister Miguel Vásquez condemned nine former army officers on Tuesday, given his guilt in the badbadination of singer Víctor Jara, which occurred on September 15, 1973, and that of the same day. former director of the gendarmerie, Littré Quiroga. 19659002] Awards were presented to Hugo Hernán Sánchez Marmonti, Raúl Aníbal Jórré González, Edwin Armando Roger Dimter Bianchi, Nelson Edgardo Haase Mazzei, Ernesto Luis Bethke Wulf, Juan Renán Jara Quintana, Hernán Carlos Chacón Soto and to Patricio Manuel Vásquez Donoso of fifteen years and one day of maximum prison in its maximum degree, as perpetrators of the crimes of homicide qualified Quiroga and Víctor Jara.

Beside him, the magistrate visiting for human rights violations cases of the Court of Appeals of Santiago, determined a sentence of three years of minor imprisonment in his average rank to the aforementioned soldiers (r), in their capacity as the perpetrators of the crimes of kidnapping. or simple against the musician and the former director of the gendarmerie

  Víctor Jara ATON

Meanwhile, the former officer Rolando Melo Silva must serve 5 years and one day of the day. imprisonment, as an accomplice of the homicides, and 61 days as a kidnapper of the kidnappings.

In the portal, Wikipedia, you can read this biography of the legendary singer. "Víctor Lidio Jara Martínez (San Ignacio, September 28, 1932 – Santiago, September 16, 1973) was a Chilean musician, singer-songwriter, teacher and director who was an activist of the Communist Party of Chile.

Víctor Jara is a international reference for the protest song and singer-songwriter, and one of the most iconic artists of the musical-social movement called "New Chilean Song." His communist ideology is reflected in his artistic work of which he was a central piece.

The famous Violeta Parra is the one that showed Jara as the new great figure of Chilean music, in the early sixties of the SXX

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