[Video] Colombian students protest with "The Dance of Those Who Have Fought"


Demonstrations in Bogotá: Courtesy of EFE (El País)

March 13, 2018 | 11:08 am

The prisoner song marked the student marches experienced these days in Bogota.

In recent days, Colombian students are fighting over their claims. where they require including an increase in the budget of public university education

However, beyond the mobilizations, a fact that has attracted the attention of all has a direct relationship with Chile punctually with The Prisoners.

Just like that, because during the demonstration, the students showed their dissatisfaction with the inequality in education at the rate of "The dance of those who are finished" iconic song of the group of the 80s.

As was the case in Colombia in 2011, they were also heard after singing in chorus the song composed by Jorge González. [19659005]

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