VIDEO | Leo Méndez Jr. confesses in Vertigo that he was abused at the age of 9


Leo Méndez Jr. was one of the guests of the last chapter of the Vertigo season, where he made a crude confession.

DJ Méndez 's son acknowledged that had been badually abused at the age of 9 years and that the abuser was a person who "did not". exists more today, since he was left in a coma and that he will never be able to reverse this situation again.

"That put me in a super awful situation, with depression, until today, I have relived this. That's why I smoke a lot of cigarettes, I manage with my cigar, lock myself up and do not sleep, "

said at the same time, he explained that his family had learned this did that in 2017, stating that "Today I would relive this moment, with different smells and noises. "

" I prefer not to go into details, it's something super personal and difficult to talk about. "

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