During the afternoon of Monday, a subject of 27 years made a violent altercation on the face of rifle sticks in the ceiling of the house of their parents in the commune of Colonel of the region of Biobío
Although that in question maintains the order not to approach from the domicile from his parents because of domestic violence, he also went to his parents' home, probably under the influence of drugs to ask for money
Faced with the refusal of his parents, the consumer of pasta made from pasta from the recognized sector again became violent again. so his father does not hesitate to call Carabineros.
LOOK ALSO: The battle between two couples ends with a woman who was shot in the face at Colina
See the presence of the police, involved climbed on the roof of the house then before starting and being arrested, he was confronted with two sticks before launching and being arrested.
On Tuesday, the accused entered police custody, where was released . and he was forbidden to approach her parents' house.
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