Viewers shoot at Rojo's juries and say everything is "fixed"


There is no doubt that in a series of talents such as "Red", there will always be differing opinions about who should be eliminated and who deserves to win . And this time, chaos reigned in social networks, after the jury decided to save the Haitian who was fighting for the title of best singer.

Since the existence of social networks, all internet users have found a voice that can spread. everywhere on the Internet. And has "Red" not spared Twitter with controversial discussions about whether or not everything is happening in the program.

A new stellar elimination took place on Friday night in the program. TVN, which was not at all ignored by the decision of Nicolás Tovar, María Jimena Pereyra and Neilas Katinas.


The three singers who arrived until the last instance were Ebens Elionom, Jhon Soto and Esteban. Araya, who had to prove that he did not want to leave the competition.

Before the elimination line, the jury's mission was to save one of the three, Ebens being chosen, highlighting its growth in "Red". . Therefore, singers had to choose between Esteban and Jhon the latter being the eliminated of the week.

In the social networks, they did not share that it was the Haitian participant who had been saved from the elimination line, the panel of TVN was thus severely criticized on the social networks, where he even questioned the veracity of the program.

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