Ving Rhames denounces the policeman who pointed the gun on his house


Santa Monica, US.- Actor Ving Rhames reported that he was being held under threat of a firearm by police at his home in Santa Monica, California, because of the call of a neighbor.

That a police chief knocked on the door and pointed a gun on his head

I open the door and there is a red dot pointed at my 9 mm face . "

However, the incident did not happen to the majors, because the official acknowledged the actor and ordered the others in uniform that they withdrew. [19659002] According to Rhames, one of his neighbors spoke to the police because a "big black man" had entered

Rhames denounced racism in the United States and showed his concern because the "black man" entered

incident could have had a different result.

What would happen if he was my son and had a portable game or something and the police will think that it's a gun? do not know, as Trayvon had a bag of Skittles, "he questioned.


  • Ving Rhames
  • Racism
  • Police
  • Show
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