Weinstein: "No woman watched me before I got to Hollywood" | Shows


Harvey Weinstein, a film producer such as Pulp Fiction and Shakespeare Enamorado, has been honored since last year by dozens of Hollywood women who accuse him of badual harbadment and abuse. Quentin Tarantino's ex-partner could go to jail and, in an attempt to prove his innocence, he admitted that throughout his career, he offered work to actresses provided that they had an affair with him. him. "They do it all," he said in an interview with writer Taki Theodoracopulos, who also revealed aspects of the "social life" of the producer.

"You were born rich and privileged and you were handsome, I was born poor, ugly, Jewish, and had to fight all my life to go somewhere, you have a lot of girls, no girls, Watched as I got to Hollywood Yes, I offered them temporary jobs in exchange for bad, but they all do it, they always do, but never, ever, forced a single woman, "admits Weinstein in the column of the Spectator

It's the producer's defense after the publicist Michael Sitrick, called the" Lord Wolf of Public Relations ", -por the character who solves the" problems "of Jules and Vincent Vega in Pulp Fiction- will leave his case in June. Therefore, the columnist stated that Weinstein personally called him to grant him an "exclusive". "I have an exclusive world for you, that Are you interested? ", says a producer" landed "" who lost everything "and who now has a "small office", according to Taki.

What the producer was referring to was not his confession, but to slip what he supposed to have touched Anthony Bourdain before his suicide. And, incidentally, to discredit the actress Asia Argento, the chief's partner and one of the women who denounced him.

"Argento was kissing with a Frenchman and was photographed before the boyfriend's suicide.His friend (Rose) McGowan (the first actress to denounce Weinstein) claimed that Asia and Anthony had a "Of course, that was not true," said Harvey, "but dead men do not tell stories, so the girls invented it." Harvey made a sketch of the story. twisted story for me and I could not help feeling sorry for him, "says Taki in his chronicle

. .., but in a fun way, I believe it. I saw Harvey in action at my annual Christmas party, the one I throw every year in New York. He approaches each woman, but in a naive way. "Will you give me your address and I will make you a star? Some say yes, others do not. His reaction was always the same. Smile and laugh, and address yourself to the next. "

It should be noted that the producer is not only accused of harbadment and abuse but actresses, actors and directors have said that there is some kind of machinery to discredit. Was told by the same protagonist Pulp Fiction, Uma Thurman, who believes that she suffered a retaliation during the recording of Kill Bill. "Weinstein mugged me but Tarantino tried to kill me."

Also, what did not include the column is one of the "principles" by which the powerful public relations firm Sitrick – which was once convened by Paris Hilton, but who refused to working with Michael Jackson – gives up the cases: the omission. "I'm not talking about a particular client, but one of the reasons I dropped cases is that the people lie to us or give us information that is not true and we believe that they knew it was not true. "The New York Times. ❧

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