What does River intend to do to reverse the story and reach the Cup final? – 24/10/2018


He left bronca the third defeat of River in Copa Libertadores, in the Monumental and during the cycle of Marcelo Gallardo. There is no depression, but thirst for revenge. And total confidence in the ability to reverse the situation in Porto Alegre, beyond the level of high difficulty. Although this 2018 guild looks like a bigger rival than the 2015 Cruzeiro, the scenario is similar to that of the series that the Muñeco River toppled with all the honors of Belo Horizonte.

stay in this situation in which he has no choice but to succeed in Brazil to continue living in the Copa Libertadores? And, on the other hand, how does River manage to reverse the situation?

  River will attempt the feat of Porto Alegre.
Photo: Juano Tesone

The river will go for the feat in Porto Alegre.
Photo: Juano Tesone

"Gremio usually plays something else, but with his new tactical playing, he complicates the game, they have closed well and have had a lot of exchanges," said Gallardo after the defeat. With these words, Muñeco acknowledged that all Porto Alegre had surprised him. And from this strategy, he made the game difficult.

From the beginning, Gallardo chose to include Juan Quintero and Gonzalo Martínez, thinking that if Gremio went out, River would have more spaces for both creatives. But the opposite has happened. And they ended up playing away from the areas where they have the most influence: Quintero closer to Montiel than the attackers and Pity very much lying on the line. Neither Palacios could give clarity at the beginning of the games. And so the Colombian ended up fetching the ball far back

The other vision they have inside the millionaire wardrobe is that the party was lost by the details. But in these details, it appears another fault, that of the mark in the ball stopped especially when the centers are at the first post. It is no coincidence that five of River's eight goals scored during the semester went through this path. This is an aspect to improve against the rematch, in which the stopped ball will be listed on the stock exchange.

The strategic battle will always be present in the return. And Gallardo will not give his arm to twist. "They called his game," said a friend of the coach. It is that the Muñeco will do everything possible to find the return to a rival endowed with many resources and also in his coach Renato Portaluppi a great strategist.

  Marcelo Gallardo thinks the plan to win in Brazil.
Photo: Juano Tesone

Marcelo Gallardo reflects on the project of victory in Brazil.
Photo: Juano Tesone

Where can we look for the millionaire DT ? If you take as a background a clash against Cruzeiro 2015, who hang on to River to believe in the miracle, at that time Gallardo ordered that half of the court be .

In the previous speculated with an inclusion of Leonardo Pisculichi and the departure of Ponzio to disarm the "double five" and have a more offensive player. Gallardo did the opposite. Not only did he leave Kranevitter and Ponzio, but he included Ariel Rojas instead of Pity Martinez. And he lined up half of the field with Krane of "5" and Sanchez, Ponzio and Rojas in front of him. The team did not despair and hit at the right time. He also made a perfect match in the collective and individual.