What is celebrated today, July 12th?


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What is celebrated today, July 12th?

Mayan manuscripts burn

On July 12, 1562, the call Manís self fe in which codices and other cultural objects of the Mayan civilization were burned.

The fire was ordained by the Spanish inquisitor Diego de Landa who served as a missionary of the Franciscan Order in Yucatan, where took place the following year. self fe.

The event is remembered as a tragedy because of the huge loss of artifacts that would have been helpful in better understanding the Mayans as a culture.

 Various artefacts of Mayan culture were burned on July 12

114th Anniversary of Pablo Neruda

On July 12, 1904 was born the Chilean poet Ricardo Eliécer Neftalí Reyes Basoalto, much better known as Pablo Neruda .

Regarded as "the greatest poet of the twentieth century in all languages" by the Colombian writer Gabriel García Márquez, Neruda is considered a central figure of Latin American literature.

Although known for his poetry, Neruda also had a political career . He was an activist, senator, candidate for the presidency of Chile, ambbadador of France and member of the Central Committee of the Communist Party. 19659019] and Grapes and the wind . He was awarded the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1971 .

Today, at the birth of Pablo Neruda 113, we remember his work and his relations with the U. from Chile and we ask you what you think. pic.twitter.com/U6xj0z7yZ3

– University of Chile (@uchile) 12 July 2017

Day of the lawyer

The day of the lawyer is celebrated on July 12.

Established as a national celebration in 1960 by the then president Adolfo López Mateos the day commemorates several important historical events for the exercise of laws in Mexico

Among the commemorated events is the teaching of the first chair of law in Latin America (1539) .

Congratulations to the lawyers for their permanent commitment to serve Mexico! #DíaDelAbogado pic.twitter.com/ssqhmsD1ZK

– Presidencia México (@PresidenciaMX) July 12, 2017

July is born Caesar Chávez

The Mexican boxer Julio Caesar Chávez González was born on July 12, 1962.

Julio Caesar Chávez a had 115 fights in his career of which he won 107, 86 of them by knockout. He was also world champion in three weight clbades: super featherweight, lightweight and super lightweight .

He is considered one of the best boxers in the history of the country. His sons Omar Chávez and Julio César Chávez Jr. are also boxers.

HAPPY 55 YEARS JULIO CÉSAR CHÁVEZ #AgendaFOXSports Today is the 55th anniversary of "Caesar del Boxeo".

RT to congratulate @ jcchavez115 pic.twitter.com / L4vQyYdeqn

– FOX Sports MX (@FOXSportsMX) July 12, 2017

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