What is the best exercise to avoid obesity? Science has the answer | Technology and science | science


A Chinese study based on a sample of 18,424 people aged 30 to 70 concludes that running regularly is the best exercise to control obesity in individuals whose genetics makes them more prone

The results of this research are published in the journal Plos Genetics and its authors point out that, thanks to this work, people who inherited genes related to increased chances of being obese have " hope to stay ". the weight. "

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The study is led by Wan-Yu Lin of the National Taiwan University and identifies the types of exercises and exercises particularly effective in combating the genetic effects that contribute to obesity explains the magazine in a press release.

This disease is a question "difficult to control" in general around the world because scientists remember that c result of interactions between genetics and the way of life of a person.

Doctors often recommend exercise, but study authors add that it is n & # 39; Is unclear what kind of exercises better limit weight gain in individuals whose genetics makes them more prone to obesity

C is on this premise that the researchers of Wan-Yu Lin badyzed, on a sample of over 1 8,000 individuals, interactions between genetics and exercise routines.

Scientists also examined five measures related to obesity: body mbad index, body fat percentage, waist circumference, hip and waist / hip ratios, and found that regular jogging was the best type of exercise to control obesity according to these five measures.

In addition, they saw that ascending Ism, walking, walking with intensity, certain types of dance and long yoga practices can also reduce, in particular, the index of body mbad in people predisposed to obesity.

"Surprisingly, the bike, the exercises The stretching, swimming and the" Dance Dance Revolution "- a video game on dance simulator – have neutralized the genetic effects on any of these measures related to obesity ", according to the work.

In general, the study suggests that in matters of obesity, genetics is not an area in which one must simply seek and that its effects can be toned down with several types of regular exercises.

The authors also point out that the benefits of regular physical exercise have a greater impact on the subjects most predisposed to obesity.

Previous research had shown that Physical activity frequent reduced the genetic effects of obesity, but these studies focused solely on the mbad index body.

This new work considers four other measures of obesity that are most closely related to the problems The authors remember the metabolic .

"Since obesity remains a serious public health problem, the benefits of exercise can not be overestimated," they conclude.

Source: EFE

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