What is the "Day of Strange Things"?


UNITED STATES.- Stranger Things is about to become, if it is not already, one of Netflix's series . Although it has only two seasons, the fantastic production of the '80s has given viewers more sensations than they could even imagine at first thanks to the streaming platform of content itself.

They do not want to leave Netflix. that the spirits are decomposing from here to the arrival of a third season that will arrive in 2019 and that it will be more intense than the two previous ones, they promise their creations, c & # 39; that's why she was delayed. To not forget, the video – on – demand service released a few days ago said that today, November 6, it had become the Day of Strange Things. The reasons why this is so or what will happen – this is speculated on a possible trailer of the new batch of episodes – we will know them all day long.

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Finally, the official story of Stranger Things by IG was commemorated, with several publications inviting to use the hashtag "Stanger Things Day" . In addition, had the participation of all the actors of Bobby Brown at the award-winning David Harbor.

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