What will happen to the Boca-River final at Libertadores?


From the moment the first object fell on the Boca Juniors player bus began to speculate on what was happening and what would happen.

It was Saturday, it was missing two hours. River Plate was crowded, in expectation of the most awaited final for decades of Copa Libertadores between the two Argentine historical rivals.

On one side, there was Theory about what was behind an attack that injured several players: it was a fight between the police and the government of the city or revenge on a boon for the seizure of 300 tickets and 200,000 USD for illegal resale.

There may be no plot behind and failure is that the police operation drove Boca's bus into a red zone devastated by River fans .

On the other hand, there are theories about what would happen.

The p artido was postponed twice Saturday and finally suspended Sunday

A resolution is expected for this Tuesday after the meeting of club presidents in Asunción with Alejandro Domínguez, director of the Confederation south American. of Fútbol (Conmebol).

Political variables are included in the equation, such as the organization of the G20 summit in Buenos Aires this Friday with the world's greatest leaders, and recent history, such as the penalties that have been received. by similar events.

In the midst of speculation and what teams have said, it is possible to develop three scenarios of what can happen.

To play in River and with the public

The first option is to play in the same conditions as Saturday, but with a better designed police officer.

The president of River, the exemplary Rodolfo D'Onofrio, bet for this option. And the mayor, Horario Rodríguez, Larreta, has already admitted that the operation was ineffective.

The first stage, which was at 2-2, was in Bombonera de Boca and in this sense, under the theory of reciprocity, missing the return to millionaire territory.

The date is processed on Saturday, December 8, one week after the G20 and one before the World Club Cup in the United Arab Emirates, which begins on the 12th, where the champion must play against Real Madrid. and other winners of regional cups.

This option is likely to fall into the same problem as the previous – violence between supporters – as well as to give the notion that there was no sanction for what happened .

Boca on the desks

That is why the president of Boca, the powerful lawyer Daniel Angelici, argues that River should be sanctioned and, in accordance with the rules of Conmebol, lose the game.

Thus, Boca would be declared champion from an office, without having to play

Angelici, who hopes to be reelected to the presidency of Boca in 2019, relies on Article 18 of the statute, according to which clubs may be sanctioned by the withdrawal points and the suspension of their stadium or their participation in the competitions.

At the 2015 Libertadores, River and Boca met in the semifinals and at half-time, River players were attacked by fans with pepper spray. The game was suspended, Boca was sanctioned and River went to the final and won the tournament.

Angelici, he said, should apply the same stick.

But there is a nuance: the attack against the players this time. was outside the stadium, where security was not the responsibility of the team but of the Buenos Aires government.

To be played without audience or in another stadium

Besides the previous ones, there are two less likely options, but also

One of them is that the game is played in Abu Dhabi just before the Club World Cup, with the advantage that the winner stays in this city to compete for the tournament.

This would remove all the mystique of an unprecedented match and would not fulfill the contracts in Buenos Aires with sponsors and fans who bought tickets.

Another option considered is to play the match at Monumental. of river, but without public as it happens frequently in Latin America and in Europe when the local team is sanctioned.

In fact, the stadium has already been fined for what happened Saturday and if you play with the public, it's because you have

a few weeks ago just another booming clbadic in Argentina, the Old Boys of Central-Newell, was to be played outside the city of Rosario and without a public to avoid incidents, despite the fact that

In fact, Another option for the final Libertadores is to play outside Buenos Aires although it is difficult for River to accept it in a first match on the competing terrain.

Thus, between violence and fanaticism and speculation football is lived in Argentina. The one of the show with songs and colors and the party has less and less.

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