What's going on between Kel Calderón and Claudio Iturra?


Claudio Iturra and Kel Calderón met during a trip that they did together in early June. The lawyer was invited by the Masai Travel Agency, owned by the face of the television, to live the experience of being in the Bolivian Amazon. There, a friendship is forged.

They had already shown the great complicity that they had in the trip, through the photos that they had published in their respective Instagram accounts, but now Iturra confirmed to MON that "we get to know each other, we are very cool and very cool" .

He added that "in the trip we connected and it was very nice because we met as a people, without the masks of Santiago."

But the great discovery was that "hung up on our personalities long ago, we never met with anyone like that"

So it was that After the trip they continued to see each other.Today, they were seen in the Vendetta restaurant, where they both shared a boozed conversation with a tea, and then retired via Barrio Bellavista to his company. production, located in Chucre Manzur

Iturra confessed that We are loaded with prejudices: I thought that I would fall on a woman more pituca, but Kel is super-hit, a simple woman "[19459005

"In addition, he is very intelligent and it generates admiration for me.My 37 years old, I did not know a woman so intelligent," he stressed.

For his part, Kel Calderón also expressed his appreciation for the meeting t of the subsequent link that he cultivated with Iturra "We became friends of the trip, we talked a lot about it"

"I think we know each other and we do very good friends. "It would be good if this friendship lasted a long time" . 19659002] For now, the travel route of this relationship has already set its goals. On August 31, they will leave for Kenya, where they will be able to admire the African fauna in the wild. Afterwards, they will travel to India.

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