When, at what time, and who transmits the friendly matches of the Reds to Costa Rica and Honduras?


  When, at what time, and who transmits the Red's allies to Costa Rica and Honduras?

The selection wants to celebrate / image: Agencia UNO

  When, at what time and who transmits the Allies of the Reds before Costa Rica and Honduras?

Reinaldo Rueda surprised everyone with the list of players for the friendly Red against Costa Rica and Honduras . The quotes of Esteban Paredes, Andrés Vilches, César Pinares and Augusto Barrios drew attention to the list of the 26 players that the DT had called to the matches of which will end in 2018 of the Chilean national team.

The duels of El Teniente and Germán Becker respectively, will constitute a decisive test for the coach, who is already starting to be criticized for the level of exposure of Chile in previous matches as well as for the states Payroll. There was still no motive and we still did not know if he was betting on the replacement.

However, the commitments to be played on on November 16 and 20 may be a turning point for the TDs to take their confidence in the challenges of next year, when there will be more buddies, the Copa America in Brazil and the start of qualifying for Qatar 2022.

Check out the schedule of the last friendly matches of the Red in 2018

  • Chile against. Costa Rica, Friday, November 16 at 9:15 pm, El Teniente Stadium Rancagua (CHV)
  • Chile vs Honduras, Tuesday November 20th at 9:15 pm, Germán Becker Stadium in Temuco (CHV)

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