Who is Nacho Palau, the man who lived 26 years with Miguel Bosé?


Just a few days ago, only relatives of Miguel Bosé and one or the other international journalist knew that had for 26 years relations with a sculptor of Valencia , in Spain, whose name appears today in the media. everything speaks Spanish: Nacho Palau . And it is that the musician, never acknowledged at least publicly as his partner and with whom, even, raised his four children.

Now, many are asking the question: who is the man who has captivated for years the heart of the Spanish star? Sculptor by profession, but trained in chemical sciences, Nacho Palau met Bosé through the intermediary of friends in common, Francis Montesinos. According to the slogan of the ABC newspaper it was the early '90s and the young man was an aspiring artist who immediately marveled at the voice of' Die de Amor '. Smile easy and fanatical outdoor life, cultivates a group of faithful friends consistent with the model and the Spanish actress Laura Sánchez and her husband, the composer David Ascanio, with whom they were seen in going for a walk on the beach, according to the Spanish media.

Discreet, his ex-partner, Palau, does not have an Instagram account and only his photos are found in the stories of his friends, such as Bernardo Doral, or in the study he shares with Daniel Perandes . ] (@ perandresypalau) . According to El País, Valencian has always favored his personal life to the detriment of the professional. This is why his work is less known and only we know that as a painter, he collaborated with the actor and director Jordi Mollá. "Nacho Palau he was practically the husband of Miguel Bosé and they together four children, Diego, Tadeo, Ivo and Telmo all six years old," said the press. After the separation, the sculptor would have taken two of the twins to Spain, while the singer would have moved to Mexico with the other two. But the question of course has not stopped there and now Palau wants Bose to be brought before the courts for the benefit of "defending and protecting their interests and, in essence, those of their children. ".

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